Essential oils and natural remedies for cellulite
Where does cellulite come from? How to avoid it and especially combat it with essential oils? Cellulite is caused by thickening of fat cells and poor blood circulation. Our advice to prevent its appearance and...

Where does cellulite come from? How to avoid it and especially combat it with essential oils? Here is what we will see in this article. Cellulite is caused by thickening of fat cells and poor blood circulation in certain areas of the body, such as the hips, thighs and stomach. After having accumulated toxins and fats, the fat cells enlarge and form that orange peel so feared by women. Even though curvy women often have more pronounced cellulite, the appearance of it does not depend on weight, and everyone can be affected. Here are some very useful natural remedies to get rid of cellulite and prevent its appearance, especially as summer approaches. Also find at the end of our article some simple (except for smokers) but essential practical advice.

Cellulite and essential oils


   Express recipes   

Purifying appetite suppressant formula against cellulite

Purifying appetite suppressant formula against cellulite:



How to use it ?

Mix all the ingredients and take 5 drops on a neutral tablet or in a spoonful of honey, twice a day for a week.
Preventive and curative massage with essential oils against cellulite

Preventive and curative massage with essential oils against cellulite:



How to use it ?

Mix all the ingredients and apply a firm massage to the affected areas. After application, it is strongly recommended not to expose yourself to the sun. Prefer these massages in the evening.
Anti-cellulite mask with essential oils and white clay

Anti-cellulite mask with essential oils and white clay:

Carry out the essential beauty salon treatment at home while using the properties of natural active ingredients.



Mix the white clay and water. Then add the essential oils.

How to use it ?

Apply to problem areas (such as thighs) and leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water while massaging with an anti-cellulite glove or brush. Finish with a jet of cold water to improve blood circulation.
Scrub against cellulite with essential oils of grapefruit and cedar

Cellulite scrub with grapefruit and cedar essential oils:

Eliminate dead cells and improve blood circulation for even more effective fat elimination.



Mix the white clay and water. Then add the olive stone powder and essential oils.

How to use it ?

Apply to damp skin. Then make circular movements on the problem areas by hand or using an anti-cellulite brush.


These synergies should not be used in pregnant women (during the entire pregnancy), breastfeeding women and children under 7 years old.
These properties and methods of use do not constitute medical advice. For therapeutic use consult a doctor.

   The origin of cellulite / where does cellulite come from?

The origin of cellulite / where does cellulite come from?

The origin of cellulite / where does cellulite come from?

Nearly 80% of women have cellulite. In men, this phenomenon occurs very rarely. According to some scientists this phenomenon is due to the female hormones, estrogen, which are almost non-existent in men.

Cellulite formation

We recognize cellulite by the formation of an “orange peel” on the surface of the skin, but it should be noted that the problem also forms much deeper. This is because fat accumulates in fat cells, which thicken and form irregular cavities. Besides this phenomenon, two other factors are responsible for our cellulite: greater water retention and fibrosis around the fat cells. Fibrosis, water retention and fat storage deform our skin deep down and cellulite is visible on the surface. It is then very difficult to get rid of it without in-depth action, because it is not on the epidermis that we must act but on the fatty layers (anchored in depth).

The different stages of cellulite

The different stages of cellulite

There are 4 stages to the development of cellulite. It is obvious that for each stage the remedies will be different because they must be adapted to the intensity of the problem.

  • Stage 1: at this stage cellulite is not visible to the naked eye. Women notice slight weight gain or swelling which is due to fluid retention. But the skin remains firm and smooth.
  • Stage 2: development of cellulite. The body is no longer able to eliminate the necessary quantity of water. This is when the pressure on the blood vessels increases and the elimination of water is made even more difficult. The fat cells thicken and the first signs of orange peel appear.
  • Stage 3: At first glance the skin is smooth and without problems but when you pinch it (on the thighs for example) you can see cellulite appear.
  • Stage 4: Orange peel is visible without pinching and massages are painful. This cellulite is the most difficult to treat and we cannot get rid of it only with anti-cellulite massages.

    Essential oils against cellulite!    


Here is our TOP 5 essential oils effective in the fight against cellulite:



Sweet Orange essential oil:

It is the essential oil of reference against cellulite. Thanks to the acidic active ingredients present in large quantities in this oil, it quickly eliminates toxins from the skin and promotes circulation and elimination of water. In addition to the decongestant action, sweet orange essential oil is a remarkable air antiseptic.

Do not use in pregnant or breastfeeding women. Risk of allergic reactions. Do not expose yourself to UV rays after friction or massage (photosensitizing essential oil).

Complete product sheet / go to the store

Grapefruit essential oil:

Just like sweet orange essential oil, grapefruit essential oil has the same acidic active ingredients which quickly eliminate toxins from the skin and promote blood circulation. It is also relaxing, purifying, and helps fight addictions.

Do not use in pregnant or breastfeeding women. Risk of allergic reactions. Do not expose yourself to UV rays after friction or massage (photosensitizing essential oil).

Complete product sheet / go to the store

Lemon essential oil:

Thins the blood and strengthens blood capillaries, the venous and lymphatic systems are strengthened, circulation is improved. Just like sweet orange and grapefruit essential oils, it is relaxing, purifying and helps fight addictions.

Do not use in pregnant or breastfeeding women. Risk of allergic reactions. Do not expose yourself to UV rays after friction or massage (photosensitizing essential oil).

Complete product sheet / go to the store

Virginia Cedar essential oil:

Major anti-cellulite, it facilitates the drainage of fats and stimulates blood circulation!!!

Do not use in pregnant or breastfeeding women. Do not use pure on the skin (always strongly diluted in a vegetable oil). Do not use for aerial distribution. Do not ingest.

Complete product sheet / go to the store

Cypress essential oil:

Venous and lymphatic decongestant, it allows better drainage and prevents water retention. Very useful for cellulite, it also fights varicose veins and rosacea.

Do not use in pregnant or breastfeeding women. No prolonged use without medical advice. Do not use in cases of hormone-dependent pathologies (cancers).

Complete product sheet / go to the store


  Health explanation   

For what ? The causes and factors of the appearance of cellulite

Cellulite is due to a significant health problem. The main causes of the appearance of cellulite are:

  • Vascular causes: good venous circulation promotes optimal blood return to the heart and prevents water retention favorable to the development of cellulite.
  • Genetic predispositions: for an equivalent diet, some women have more efficient lipolytic enzymes (which destroy fat) than others.
  • Hormonal changes: increase in the level of estrogen in the blood or imbalance between the two female hormones estrogen and progesterone.
  • Poor diet: if energy intake (food) is too high in relation to expenditure (sport for example), fat will be stored in the tissues: you must therefore eat less or move more!


How to get rid of cellulite (diet / essential oils / massage)

It is useless to say that only a healthy diet can prevent the appearance of cellulite, because be careful, this is not enough to treat this problem once cellulite has set in. You must first adopt simple actions that not only keep the skin soft and healthy but also prevent the appearance of orange peel skin. If a healthy lifestyle and certain daily actions are not enough, doctors and nutritionists can help you eat better and check if your cellulite is not linked to an underlying problem: poor circulation, hormonal imbalance, etc. .

First of all, if you have not already done so, you must eliminate fatty, salty and sugary foods from your plate. Then you have to start or get back into sport again. Even 10 minutes a day of exercises targeted at problem areas improves blood circulation and forces cells to get rid of fat.

For visible results, you must attack cellulite on all fronts and adopt a very specific anti-cellulite routine with weekly scrubs and massages with essential oils.

For more effectiveness you can perform mechanical massages using massage brushes. You can find our massage brushes here.




      Daily tips   

Practical advice to prevent the appearance of cellulite.

Practical advice to prevent the appearance of cellulite.

  • Do not smoke. Cigarettes mobilize vitamin C in the bronchi (where it tries to neutralize the free radicals formed by tobacco). It is therefore present in lower quantities in the body, where it loses its role in the elasticity of the skin, for example.
  • Drink 1.5 liters of water per day for women and 2 liters for men. Indeed, the total daily water intake (food and liquids) must be 2.5L for men and 2L for women. The water contained in food is responsible for approximately 20% of intake. Water is important because it helps eliminate toxins from the body.
  • Eat balanced. Limit sugar and fat intake as much as possible.
  • Take up sports. No need to do a marathon, start with small exercises targeted at problem areas. Even 10 minutes a day is enough.
  • Avoid stress, which pushes our body to accumulate fat and can cause sudden hormonal changes which are responsible for the appearance of orange peel skin.

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